The management of chronic pain can require such a multi-disciplinary approach that many hospitals now have Pain Management Clinics. Often there is no cure for chronic pain so the goal is to lower the pain so that it becomes bearable and has less of a negative impact on the individual’s life. Chronic pain is debilitating and can cause poor sleep, reduced mobility, reduced work opportunities, financial stress, emotional and relationship difficulties – chronic pain therefore affects the whole person, body and mind and potentially every area of a person’s life.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is becoming more widely used in hospitals as well as by therapists in their own consulting rooms and our clients are often referred to us by osteopaths, chiropractors and physiotherapists and GPs.
It can help you learn how to manage the anxiety and stress that often accompanies and worsens chronic pain. You learn to relax your mind and focus your thoughts away from the pain through the use of progressive muscle relaxation and guided visualisation; self-hypnosis techniques are also taught so that you can be confident of being able to manage your pain better outside of the therapy room in your everyday life. Hypnotherapy isn’t a quick fix and like any new skill it requires practice and some people will need more sessions than others.
The connection between the mind and body has long been recognised as being extremely powerful and our perception of pain and pain threshold are both greatly influenced by our thoughts, our emotions, our mindset and self-confidence; a more relaxed and positive mental attitude has only benefits for everyone and is instrumental in post-operative, post-injury and post-illness recovery.
For appointments call 07899 625 156
Yvonne Morgan MEd,BA (Hons) DHP MRAH HPD Dip-CBT