Category Archives: Blog
Why we do the things we do – part 4
Our need to connect and to feel loved is extremely powerful. In primitive times being [...]
Why we do the things we do – part 3
To feel significant or important is a need which everybody has. Just as with our [...]
What makes us do what we do? Part 2
Have you ever wondered why it’s sometimes hard to stay focused on a goal? A [...]
What makes us do what we do? Part 1
Have you ever wondered how hard it sometimes feels to change a negative habit or [...]
So what is solution focused evidence-based hypnotherapy?
Solution focused hypnotherapy was developed by Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg in [...]
Pain Management
The management of chronic pain can require such a multi-disciplinary approach that many hospitals now [...]
An orange cannot be an apple!
In a world which is seemingly obsessed with positive thinking, positive action and success [...]
Winning starts with winning words
The impact of how we think and what we allow ourselves to focus on [...]
There’s always a way, even when you can’t see it
In my work as a solution focused hypnotherapist one of the things I help clients [...]