Frequently Asked Questions

- What happens in the sessions? We work together to plan and tailor your sessions specifically to you. You can tell me what you need help with. I can then tell you about my different approaches and techniques, including those from sports, business and relational psychology, visualization, mindfulness, meditation, and CBT. I will also explain how your mind works and how to shift your focus to a more positive, future-focused one so you can begin to feel more confident that positive change can happen and more in control.
- How many sessions will you need? The number of sessions will depend on your motivation and commitment and the nature of the issue you would like help with. Some people make positive changes in as few as six sessions, while others may need more as we all learn at different rates.
How much are the sessions? 15 mins phone inquiry – no charge. I am happy to have a quick 15-minute chat with you about what you would like help with
Sessions £70* each, or 6 x session block is £360* required at time of booking. Simply call 07899625156 or email to book your session.
Appointment times:
Mondays 5pm-7pm, Tuesdays 11am-7pm, Saturday mornings 9am-12pm
The Body Mind Clinic,128 Newport Road, Cardiff CF24 1D
The Clifton Practice, 8-10 Whiteladies Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 1PD