
I recently had to write a self-reflective essay on a course I am taking and it helped me realise that it was a very long time since I had reflected about myself and my life.

Like most people I always seem to be caught up in the day-to-day demands and challenges of life.  Reflection allows us to assess all areas of our lives, relationships, career, finances, personal development, health etc and to ask ourselves three important questions:

  • What’s working?
  • What’s not working very well?
  • What’s not working at all?

I admit it can feel a little frightening to take a clear and honest look at our lives but ignoring things which need attention, simply allows them to continue and possibly even worsen.

A step-by-step way of reflecting is to write the above list on a piece of paper and each day for a week write down something for each question.  You aren’t looking for solutions or causes but just  creating  an awareness of what is happening right now.

I will explain the next step in part two of this blog and the most important thing you can do to begin to find solutions.